Hey there, I'm so excited you're here! Your interest in bringing Ever, AJ products to your shop, your church, or a conference mean the world to us. We are a family-run small business so every order matters.

Please fill out the application below. We will get back to you shortly. Thank you for your interest and we can't wait to partner with you! Ever, AJ


Please Select One
This document is not required to complete the wholesale application but will be required to place an order with us!


We will review your application and be in touch shortly! We will send our wholesale catalog to the email provided. Included in that email will be your special wholesale code to shop directly on our website for all your wholesale needs!

Thanks again, looking forward to partnering with you!

Ever, AJ

Amanda Van Otterloo

Contact Email: amanda@everajbrand.com

Owner: Amanda Van Otterloo

Location: Boyden, IA, USA